What happens at your first appointment?
Dr O’Neill prefers to see you at approximately 8-10 weeks gestation for your first appointment, ensuring a fetal heart can be seen on ultrasound. Any care before this time should be directed by your GP. Your GP is welcome to call Dr O’Neill should they require any advice.
Your first appointment will take approximately 45 minutes and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions.
If you have any particular concerns regarding your pregnancy or delivery please feel free to raise them, as it is helpful if Dr O’Neill can begin to understand your expectations, hopes and concerns.
Step 1
- At your first appointment the midwife will see you initially. In addition to discussing the general aspects of your health prior to, and during, pregnancy, she will also take your weight, height and blood pressure.
- The practice midwives have many years of experience and will be able to answer any of your general pregnancy concerns (e.g. diet, exercise and supplements).
- You will also be given your antenatal record card and information regarding pregnancy.
Step 2
- Once you have seen the midwife, Dr O’Neill will complete your appointment by discussing the particulars of your medical history, performing the pregnancy ultrasound and discussing the options for screening your baby for identifiable anomalies at this stage of pregnancy. There is plenty of time for any questions you may have.
- Early pregnancy ultrasound is undertaken to ensure pregnancy is progressing normally and to confirm the due date. The ultrasound is easier if you have a moderately full bladder. You will receive some pictures to take with you.
- Dr O’Neill will discuss screening tests including such as the First Trimester Screening, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and Carrier Screening. These are optional tests and you will be given referrals for the tests you wish to proceed with.
- There are also a number of blood tests that are routinely referred for in early pregnancy. Often these have already been arranged by your GP. However, if this hasn’t been done, Dr O’Neill will refer you for these at your first appointment.