Labour & Birth
Dr O’Neill strives to ensure you have a safe and positive birth experience. Every labour is unique, and Dr O’Neill will guide you with her expertise and support. Much of your antenatal care is dedicated to planning the right birth for you, and in providing realistic expectations in the safe management of labour and birth.
If you think labour is commencing you will need to contact St John of God Subiaco Hospital, Birth Suite. Upon arrival at the hospital you will be assessed and Dr O’Neill will be contacted. A midwife is assigned to you and will care for you throughout your labour, liaising with Dr O’Neill.
During labour pain relief is very important and having considered this in advance is a good idea. There are a number of options available and the midwife, and Dr O’Neill, will help you with this. Should there be the need for assistance with birth, such as vacuum or Caesarean, Dr O’Neill will ensure you are fully informed as to the reasons necessitating assistance, and that you feel comfortable with any decisions made.

There may be some situations that require a planned Caesarean section, such as a breech presenting baby or low lying placenta. This will be discussed between you and Dr O’Neill at the time, if the need arises.
St John of God Subiaco Hospital has excellent midwifery staff. As you will be supported by a highly trained, supportive hospital midwife throughout your labour, Dr O’Neill asks that you do not engage the services of a Doula for your labour.
Dr O’Neill does not perform VBAC’s (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section)